ADA & WCAG Non-Compliance Lawsuits Are On The Rise…
Website Owners Are Getting Sued Daily
You May Be Next!
Is Your Website ADA Compliant?
Run a FREE Compliance Audit Of Your Site Now

What The Heck Is ADA & WCAG?

Something is currently going on, and it’s only a matter of time before it gets to you or your company!
Website owners are being targeted and sued for a law they are ignorant of!
It’s the ‘ADA’ and WCAG (ADA & WCAG Accessibility Compliance). Laws requiring businesses to make accommodations for people with disabilities in ALL their web and digital content.
ADA is an acronym for American’s With Disability Act and
WCAG is Website Content Accessibility Guidance. In short, you need to be ADA & WCAG compliant, because authorities aren’t messing around one bit. If you think it’s a game, let me assure you that it’s not. Everything is coming under scrutiny; websites, apps, and pdfs included. All of these are susceptible to lawsuits and litigation.
The “Americans’ with Disability Act” provides that web content should be accessible to the blind, deaf, and all those who must navigate by voice, screen readers or other assistive technologies . . .
ADHD Friendly Mode
Dyslexia Friendly
Text Magnifier
Stop Animations
Epilepsy Safe Mode
Blindness Mode
Visually Impaired Mode
Text To Speech
Dark & Light Contrast
High & Low Saturation
Text & Title Color
Virtual Keyboards
Text Alignment
Reading Guide
Highlight Links
Hide Images
Keyboard Navigation
And Many More…

non-compliance with the ADA.
Lawsuits Targeting Websites Over ADA Violations
Are On The Rise – Scary Stuff!
Fox Business News
ABC Action News
NBC News
No Website Is Safe
No Matter What Business It Is For
A Contractor, Tradesperson
An Online Marketer
Doctor, etc.
Business Owner
Property Manager
Don’t Procrastinate Or Risk Getting Sued!
Look at these statistics for
ADA & WCAG compliance:
demand letters were sent in 2020 alone.
$6,000,000 was the Settlement Cost of a Recent Case.
$50,000+ is the average legal cost to Small Businesses.
settled out of court for an estimated $20,000 – $150,000.

and it offers no real defense to a company after a lawsuit has been filed!
Click here to check for ADA website violations
Why You Need To Pay Attention To Your
Compliance Status?
Why You Need To Pay Attention To Your Compliance Status?

Avoid Costly Demand Letters And
Department Of Justice Enforced Lawsuits.

Having your website/web content ADA compliant, gives you an easy ‘Foot In The Door’ into this multi-billion dollar disability market!
So…How Do You Get Your Website To Be
ADA & WCAG Compliant?

Truth is, it’s not close to being easy . . .
You or your web developer will have to go through TONS AND TONS of your digital assets HOPING that you’ll get everything compliant on your site.
And, even if you take care of the current items on your site, what about all the other pages, files, videos, audio files, and other things that are lurking in the dark recesses of your server that you’ve forgotten about?
making sure they are ADA & WCAG compliant could
take you weeks or even months!”
Not to mention that you’ll need to:
Have training
Have a web accessibility policy page
Make a web accessibility statement
Appoint an accessibility coordinator
Hire an independent consultant, (depending on how large your business is)
Invite feedback
And much more!
We Have A Better Way For You . . .

Why not sit back & let us help you get
ALL your websites and web content
ADA compliant much quicker . . .
We’ve helped businesses and site owners like you and saved so many others from imminent lawsuits!
Guess What…
ADA Compliance Is Also
Great For SEO!
Guess What… ADA Compliance Is Also Great For SEO!
ADA compliant now!

Not Sure If Your Website Is ADA Compliant?